Showing posts sorted by date for query lupus drug treatment. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query lupus drug treatment. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, February 9, 2017

pictures of lupus

pictures of lupus

hey this is dr k from imedicalschool and todaywe are going to talk about systemic lupus erythematosis otherwise known as sle. so as the name suggests sle is a systemicautoimmune disorder that causes inflammation and affects all the major organs of the body.if you are interested in learning what you can do to help further lupus research or supportadvocacy for lupus patients make sure to check out the lupus foundation of america at since lupus is a systemic inflammatory disorderwhat are the symptoms of lupus? well lupus commonly presents with a multitude of generalizedsymptoms making the differential diagnoses quite broad. some common general symptomsinclude fever, fatigue, myalgias, arthritis,

and weight loss. there are additional symptomsand signs associated with lupus and we will talk about them next as we discuss how todiagnoses lupus. the most important step in understanding anydisease is grasping how to diagnose the disease. lets talk about how to diagnose lupus. thereare many pneumonics that can aid in remembering all the diagnostic criteria. the one i rememberis called dopamine rash. you need to have at least 4 criteria met to diagnose lupus. lets go through each one. the d representsdiscoid rash. a discoid rash is a disc shaped rash that is flat but has pronounced rednessat the borders. here we have a picture that demonstrates a discoid rash.

next we have oral ulcers. generally patientswill have ulcers that you find incidentally on exam. the way to differentiate these ulcersfrom infectious ulcers is that infectious ulcers are usually painful while ulcers fromlupus are generally painless. other skin findings include a photosensitiverash. photosensitive means that sun exposure triggers and can worsen the skin rash. patientsdo not need much sun exposure to really develop these rashes. in addition patients may experience jointpain otherwise known as arthralgia or joint inflammation known as arthritis. a classic physical exam finding for a lupuspatient is the malar rash. the malar rash

affects the cheeks and the bridge of the a truly classic rash it appears in the shape of a butterfly covering the nasal bridgeand both cheeks. in addition to rashes another criteria isimmunologic phenomenon. immunologic phenomenon include detection of anti-smooth muscle antibody,anti-double stranded dna, ant-ro and anti-la (otherwise known as ssa and ssb.) finallyif the lupus is drug induced you may see anti-histone antibodies. the next criteria are neurologic phenomenon.patient can develop altered mental status, seizures, stroke and headache. in additionto mental status changes lupus can damage the kidneys causing either a nephritic ora nephrotic disorder. nephritic disorder is

when the kidney is damaged causing proteinuriawith less than 3.5 g/day in the urine. in addition in a nephritic disorder a patientmay have high blood pressure and rbc casts. nephrotic disorder is when there is significantprotein loss of greater than 3.5 g/day in the urine. in addition patients have elevatedcholesterol levels, low albumin levels, and edema. one of the classical tests for lupusis ana or antinuclear antibody. ana is sensitive but not specific so a positive ana alone doesnot indicate lupus and you need to look for other criteria described by dopamine rashto make the diagnosis. other symptoms are characterized as serositis.this includes pleuritis, pericarditis, and peritonitis. finally patient can have hematologicalphenomenon. these include anemia, thrombocytopenia,

and hemolytic anemia. now that we have talkedabout the diagnostic criteria for lupus lets talk about how to monitor disease activity. lupus patient will need frequent routine labsto monitor disease activity. key labs include c3, c4, and ch50. these labs test the complementsystem. when lupus is highly active it leads to consumption of complement factors. in additiona rise in the igg anti-double stranded dna indicates an increase in disease addition to monitoring disease activity, as we know, lupus can cause kidney indicator of proliferative glomerulonephritis is a drop in c1q complement. the next importantstep is treatment of lupus one of the most important factors in decreasingdisease activity is to stop smoking. smoking

has been linked to worsening disease activityand worse outcomes. like i mentioned before lupus patients should be monitored with frequentlabs. these labs include cbc, esr, crp, urinalysis, spot urine and creatinine, ch50, c3, c4, andanti double stranded dna. in terms of actual therapy the first step is to begin with nsaids.if nsaids do not control symptoms, and they rarely do, hydroxychloroquine can be used.hydroxychloroquine is an antimalarial medication and has been shown to prevent damage to thecentral nervous system and kidneys. if symptoms continue to persist and major organs are beingaffected systemic corticosteroids should be administered. finally if these therapies donot work the patient needs to be escalated to methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, and azathioprinefor better system control.

well that was a brief review of systemic lupuserythematoisis. i hope you liked the video. if you did please share this video with yourfriends on facebook and twitter. give this video a like, place any comments or suggestionsdown below and most importantly subscribe. you can follow us on our facebook page imedicalschoolor twitter at imedschool finally check out our podcast on itunes under imedicalschool.this is dr k from imedicalschool and i will see you next time.

Friday, January 27, 2017

lupus nodules

lupus nodules

earlier this month i saw a patient who wasreferred to me by his general practitioner with phlebitis. his gp had been treating himwith antibiotics and if anything, his leg was getting worse. now treating phlebitiswith antibiotics is simply wrong and i am going to tell you the truth about phlebitis.phlebitis is simply a medical term indicating that there is inflammation in the vein. mostcommonly it affects the superficial leg veins and it is associated with localised swelling-- a lump- which is red, tender and warm and sometimes the lump actually feels hot andpainful. usually phlebitis comes on out of the blue for no apparent reason but very occasionallyi see phlebitis as a complication of some cancers, intravenous arm catheters used inhospital -- drips - or sometimes as a reaction

to some very irritant intravenous injectionssuch as chemotherapy. i haven't seen a case of phlebitis due to bacteria for years andthat happened in a drug addict who was injecting into a leg vein with dirty needles. the standardusual case of superficial leg vein phlebitis seen by a gp does not need antibiotics. antibioticsmay do more harm than good. now until recently, phlebitis in superficial leg veins was thoughtto be a rather trivial condition and many doctors dismissed phlebitis as being of noreal significance. even the term phlebitis is often misunderstood and misused. many peopleincluding doctors describe any discomfort in their veins as being phlebitis. to absolutelysure that the problem is phlebitis, a duplex ultrasound scan is needed -- the ultrasoundappearance of phlebitis is characteristic

and diagnostic. the vein wall is thickenedand there is a variable amount of clot inside the vein. a scan is the only way of checkingthe vein directly and confirming that the vein is inflamed. ultrasound has also revealedthat a very important group of people with phlebitis either already have a dvt or theyare at risk of developing a deep vein thrombosis. the inflammation in the wall of the veinsaffected by phlebitis activates clotting of the blood inside these veins. this clot canextend or spread from the superficial vein into the deep vein. so this is another veryimportant reason why everyone with phlebitis should have a duplex ultrasound scan. a duplexscan is the only way to correctly identify people who already have a dvt and who needtreatment to prevent that clot leaving the

leg, travelling around the body and lodgingin the lung -- a serious condition -sometimes fatal- called a pulmonary embolism. a duplexscan will also determine whether these people with phlebitis are at risk of a dvt and whoneed preventative treatment. so the first important message is that everyone with phlebitisshould have a duplex ultrasound scan. so how should superficial leg vein phlebitisbe treated? well we can only offer the correct treatment for phlebitis if we know the resultsof the duplex scan. the scan may show that the phlebitis is only in a small area andthat only a limited number of superficial veins are affected. if there is very littleassociated clot in these superficial veins and if this clot is well away from the deepveins, then treatment with aspirin or aspirin-like

medication called non --steroidal inflammatorydrugs and compression stockings may be sufficient. a good medical sock will support the veinwhile it is recovering and the anti-inflammatory tablets or cream will ease the swelling andpain. if the phlebitis is extensive or if the clot in the superficial veins is alreadyclose to the deep veins, a course of blood thinning injections -- anticoagulant heparinmedication- is needed to reduce the significant risk of developing a dvt. of course if thescan shows that a dvt has already formed, full anticoagulant treatment for several monthsis needed. so the correct treatment of phlebitis requires a in summary, phlebitis is not an infection and antibiotics are not the correct treatment.phlebitis is not a trivial condition, it can

be serious and may cause a deep vein thrombosis.everyone with phlebitis should have a duplex ultrasound scan to confirm the correct diagnosis,to check for dvt and to guide the correct, if you are interested in vein problems and you would like to keep up to date, pleaseclick the button above and subscribe. that way you will be among the first to see ournext video. why not leave a question in the box below.i'd love to hear from you and i will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.thank you for watching.