Monday, January 23, 2017

define mesentery

define mesentery

help! the mandela effect has completely taking over my life. stick with me and we'll talk about what it is. if your regular viewer my channel you're probably here for a health story or how-to video or something about farming. this is going to be completely different than those kinds of videos. i love if

you want to watch and find out what the mandela effect is, but if you're here for those other videos i'll continue making those kinds of videos but i'm going to launch into a whole different series here because this has completely consumed my life and i need to talk about it. what is the mandela effect? before i

dive into that let's kind of relate it to something you already know. if you watch any sort of science fiction show like star trek, farscape, stargate, all of them have an episode like this. where one of the main characters wakes up and they're in some sort of illusion, or they're in a fake reality, or a hologram, or they're in their mind. everything goes good for

a while but then something's a little different like they pick up a newspaper and headlines different, something like that and it jolts them out of that fake reality. what happens is they get out of the fake reality and they find out like an alien did or something. well this is happening to me and a whole lot of other people right now in this

reality. i know it sounds crazy believe me if someone woke up and said hey my reality is changed i'm i don't think i'm in the same reality anymore. i would think they need to get their head checked or their mind checked or maybe they're starting to get some dementia or something. the problem here is that thousands to tens

of thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands of people are starting to wake up and remember all these deleted memories. how does something like that happen how to tens of thousands of people have the same memory that was not there anymore, it's gone. this has become such a thing that they named it the

mandela effect. now it started a few years ago but really to turn in the last few months and it's happening to lots and lots of people. its named the mandela effect because it's named after nelson mandela. what happened was a lot of people including myself remember mandela dying like in the late 1980's are the early 1990's. i remember him dying because

we sat and talked about it in school it was one of my like history classes or something. you know as a teenager here in america, you pretty much don't know anything. we had to explain who mandela was why is important that he died and that's kinda it and i kind of forgot all about it. what happened was i played rugby for most of my

childhood and we're really in a rugby. so about like i don't know, 10 years later i'm way out into college and we watch a game at a bar. it was a new zealand vs south africa. right before the game started nelson mandela comes out in like a springbok jersey. i remember turning to my friends and was like, i thought he was

dead? they looked at me like i was crazy in there like now you must be thinking of another leader or something no he's been alive. i just figured as you know we were drinking a lot and i really wasn't paying attention and was it as like i guess, i guess i remembered that wrong. i never really thought about it and what happened i found a community

online that was talking about this. that had the same memory of him dying in jail and it was kind of creepy. what brought me to this was actually something very innocent. my girlfriend and i, it was a halloween, like right around halloween, and every year i watch charlie brown "the great pumpkin". we're watching it and

right at the end of you know there's a scene where like snoopy fakes being the great pumpkin and shadow pops up. that is not what i remember at the very very end after like linus gives up the pumpkin, a great pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch and you see this you know like jack-o'-lantern head. that was one of my favorite parts of the the show.

i turned the kate and i was like, wait did they change the end of this? is there like a second version of charlie brown and i don't know about? she had the same memory of this pumpkin popping up. we get online and i'm like well maybe there's two versions maybe it was too anti-christian back in the sixties you know. then we search for like an

hour we can't find anyone talking about this pumpkin and i i just i feel like i was going crazy. then later on i find on the internet that it's no longer charles schultz like with a t, is just charles schulz. the creator of peanuts name changed. just the t dropped out and i was like well i'm not a very good speller maybe i just never

noticed it. i just kept making excuses for these things disappearing. then i was searching around that i randomly kind of fell into the mandela effect community. they have tons of videos on youtube explaining that there is hundreds of things all the sudden just gone or changed. one of the ones that really jolted my reality

was eli whitney. now eli whitney was the inventor of the cotton gin. when i go and look on wikipedia he's like an old white guy from yale. supposedly his connection is that some slave told him to do it, gave him the idea and then he went and invented a cotton gin that made life better for slaves. that is not what i

remember as a kid. what i remember was eli whitney being black and it was a very big deal because there wasn't that many black inventors back then. that he was a free black man who invented this to make slaves life a little better. i remember this because i had a black teacher in elementary school that was huge on black history month. so every

history month, you know black history month we had to do a report and guess who my report was on? eli whitney! we did like a group report about eli whitney and he doesn't look like of a bald old white guy from yale to me. he was pretty black looking and he looked like a slave. it was clear as day to me but

it's got he kind of freaked out. i mean just if you don't believe here's a little proof like look at them remember i was telling you eli whitney was in black history month. well here is just a little bit i found, there's this article here where they talk about all the black inventors that they're going to be talking about

teaching. here's another page where it is talking about black history month and eli whitney's listed on it, but the pictures like a white guy now. if you notice that this is an old page before i think the change happened. so it's like all the writings the same and they slap the picture of a white guy on it. why is he listed under black history

month? i mean are you really gonna tell me are well i know we're supposed to be celebrating great black leaders but we're gonna throw white guy in because he invented something that makes black people's lives a little easier back then. really, black history month! you're gonna celebrate

eli whitney? that just doesn't sound right. one of the mandela effects that really tripped me out it made me realize something major is going on here is a picture of me actually changed. i went out for halloween as a the oxy clean pitch guy billy mays. i'm gonna show you this

picture right now. if you notice i'm holding a can of oxiclean. in my memory that oxy was spelled with a "y" at the end. take a good look it's now an "i". do you guys remember that used to have a "y" originally. now normally you think okay this is just like some sort of branding, rebranding change, but if you go on and look for the history of oxy clean, it's

always been an "i". it's never been like "yy and then they changed it to "i" something major when your own picture changes, freaked me out. honestly. do you remember this bragg apple cider vinegar? i remember it as bragg's. in fact kate said it changed overnight.

she was using it one day it was bragg's and then the next day it was bragg. does this the sound familiar to you? bragg's? something else is missing here too. we got these halloween and kit-kat no longer has a hyphen used to be kit hyphen cat. now it is just kitkat, like it is one word. does that makes sense that it's one word? yeah a lot of people are upset about the

"-" disappearing. one group who's really upset about this is the christians. if you go on readdit and look at the threads, some people are really freaking out because their family bibles that they've had for like a hundred years, have all the sudden changed. they read these bibles everyday they know what's in them. some pretty big verses

are different. all the sudden the verse that we learned growing up on the lord's prayer. give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. if you go look up what that versus now it's give us this day our daily bread and forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors.

debts and debtors? a lot of people from that other reality don't remember that. there's also a verse in isaiah about the young lion shall lie down with the lamb and that has changed to the wolf shall lie down with the lamb. what's crazy is there's all this residual stuff that didn't change so there's all these little statuettes and

there's actually full-blown statues of lions and lambs and this one from the eighteen hundreds actually has the quote hand painted on. take a look at this. what's really upsetting a lot of people is they have a memory of the continents and the states and the country's looking different. especially the world map seems

to have changed. an easy place to see an example of what changed on the world map is to look at australia. australia used to be a lot more isolated down in the water and now it's right next to papa new guinea, it's like a stone's throw away. that's kind of an easy example to see also south america wasn't so far east it was like under the us now it's way over

a couple hundred miles. very weird. here's a better comparison of the world map and you can really get a much better view of australia before and after as well as south america before and after. what's even crazier is a lot of people say that we jump to a different part of the galaxy. i remember when we were little kids in the 1980's like

what halley's comet came. everybody was in the space we have these little pictures that said you are here and it would point to the way out to the edge of the galaxy. where now all the maps at nasa's showing showing us kind of near the center of the galaxy, so what happened? we'll talk about that the whole another video, but that's that's

major to some people that lands changing around and we change location in the galaxy. another thing that's got a lot of people rattled up is they have a memory of the human body being different that the human body has now changed and i remember it too. as a kid women had an extra rib. there was this thing, where you

know adam gave away one of his ribs to make eve and so we learned our skeleton women always had an extra rib and it made him look a little longer. these days many women have the same sets of ribs. when i went to chiropractic school they have the same set of ribs. i'm a doctor of the spine and i can tell you that the spine i learned as a kid, is

not what i learned as an adult. something changed. this goes a lot more deep than just a few incidents. i mean i could sit here and i'm going to make a lot more videos about what's going on, but this really shocked my reality because a lot of cultures think that we live in a projected reality like our consciousness

dreams create this virtual world that we're just playing out. this goes way back to the oldest religious texts. that none of what we actually live in is real. well to wake up one day and major like tons and tons of little things have changed in your life. it really jolts you into realizing maybe that's right. that we

jumped realities or this reality we live in is being screwed with. that it's not real at all. that it's like a program that someone can just change little details and you accept it. if this effect, if some of these things i'm saying, jolt you. i want you to watch this playlist that i'm going to include. the mandela playlist.

you're gonna see some serious like before-and-afters and you might think it's crazy, but watch it a little bit and then i want you to come back here and talk to me. i promise you we're going to keep talking about this it is affecting my life. we stay up at night and talk about it and it all the little changes, every day we find

something new. you know like the schwanns catalog came the other day. do you remember schwanns? this is like a food company comes to your house. look at it now. notice i'm missing? schwans used to have two "n"s at the end. right? anyone else remember like ordering years of schwanns? that's wrong now. so we keep

finding like all these little things that have changed daily, and it's trippy because sometimes they'll change and then people will notice the change and they change back to the way they used to be. what the hell is going on?! i would love to know your theory and opinion on why this is happening again i'm going to

make a whole series of videos and this will just roll into that playlist when i'm done. one last thing i forgot to mention before you go, if you're new to my channel please subscribe check it out i'm going to be making a lot more mandela videos as we go on. also i've got some pretty cool videos too can also check out my website at www

tarrin lupo dot-com where i've got private and unlisted videos, that are completely free have to do is go sign up over there. thanks.

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