Thursday, February 2, 2017

mesenteric panniculitis definition

mesenteric panniculitis definition

hello everyone! my name is megan, and welcometo another anatomy tutorial. in this tutorial, we will be covering the mesentery which isfound in the abdominal cavity. i'm going to also cover some of the related structuresand organs. before we begin talking about the mesentery,i quickly want to go through a brief overview of the peritoneum. the peritoneum is a doublelayer of serous membrane or mesothelium. it lines the walls of the abdominal cavity andmost of the viscera. throughout the abdominal cavity, there are peritoneal folds that connectorgans together or connect these organs to the abdominal wall. some of these folds alsocontain vessels and nerves that supply the organs. their function is two-fold as theyalso stabilize and help maintain the position

of the organs. the subdivisions of the peritoneum includethe omenta, the mesenteries, and the peritoneal ligaments. in this image, we can see the malepelvis… hi guys, as you can see, this video is a previewwhich is reserved to kenhub premium members. why not become one today? as a premium member,you will get access to this video as well as other videos, quizzes, articles, and ouratlas of human anatomy—everything you need to learn anatomy in the most fun and efficientway. join us and let’s continue learning together!

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