Wednesday, February 15, 2017

what is mesentery

what is mesentery

this is the most hated topic in anatomyever. the abdominal blood supply. don't worry this is animated anatomy andwe're going to make it simple for you. this here is the superior mesentericartery and this here is the inferior mesenteric artery. now let's start by explaining thesuperior one. and we're not going to follow the arteries, we're going tofollow the digestive tract here and we're going to actually explain whereeach part gets its blood from. so let's bring our digestive tract and we cannotsee much, can we? that's why i will remove the jejunum andi'm going to remove the ilium as well.

i will remove this part of the colin andstomach so we can see the superior mesenteric artery hiding right here. now the superior mesenteric artery gives away immediately one branch here andthat is the inferior pancreaticoduodenenal artery theanterior one and the posterior one as well, it gives bood to both of thesearteries. now you can see this little artery hereand that is the middle colic artery. but i said that we're not going to do that.we're going to follow digestive tract and we're going to explain each part andwhere it gets this bath from and we're going to come to that part. so this overhere is the set of jejunal arteries and

down there you have the set of ilealarteries. then you have here the marginal artery of colon. you can see howlong it goes. and you know what, let's just remove the testicular arteriesbecause they're making this more complicated and this is by the wayalready too complicated. let's remove the lumbar arteries as wellnow it all looks a little bit more simple, right? we have the the superior mesentericartery then the jejunal arteries, then the ileal arteries, then the marginalartery of colon and then we have this artery here. it's the ileocolic artery and it has the superior branch

of ileocolic artery and the ileal branch of the ileocolic artery. now weget to this part here, and that is the right colic artery. and then we get thislittle buddy here and that is the middle colic artery. so remember we have theright colic archery and then the middle colic artery. so now let's explain thissecond really important artery and that is the inferior mesenteric artery. theinferior mesenteric artery has here the left colic artery, and remember we talkedabout the middle colic artery and the right colic artery. furthermore the inferior mesentericartery separates here into sigmoid

artery and the superior rectal you have here the superior rectal artery and this is the sigmoid artery.i'd like to point out that this part right here is not modeled exactly andour inferior mesenteric artery is not supposed to go through the externaliliac artery. that's just not correct, but doesn't matter, furthermore i wouldn't say that ouraorta is so huge it's a little bit smaller artery, though it's still verybig.

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