what is neme of this colon segmoid colon it is colon decending here colon transversum whatis it ?it is stomach what is it ?it is falciform ligament and aterior free border of falciformligament present what ligamentum terus hepaticus and what is th name of this ligament it is ligamentum coronarium hepatis and free border of coronary ligament ligamentum triangularesinister and the same ligament of the right side here continuation of ligamentum coronariumhepatis and free border of this coronary ligament on the right side has name ligamentum triangularedexter ok topography of peritonium cavity we know three flour or storey upper flourit is space between diaphragm sperioirly and transverse colon together mesocolon transversuminferiorly all of this space it is sperioir
storey middle storey it is space between transvercecolon and true pelvis and inferioir storey it is cavitus of true pelvis in upper storeynecessary to know three bursa bursa hepatica it from right side of falciform ligament everythingon right side bursa hepatica and on the left side bursa pregastrica it occupied left lobeof the liver and it is in front from stomach that is why bursa pregastrica in front fromstomach that is two bursa more difficult it is bursa which is present behind of stomachand behind of laser omentum what is laser omentum that is two ligaments peritonium fromliver goto stomach and all of this space which occupy peritonium has name ligamentum hepatogastricumand here it is ligamentum hepatoduodenale and two ligament hepatogastricum and hepatoduodinaletogher form leser omentum and bursa behind
of laser omentum behind of stomach has namebursa omentalis impossible to see this bursa in living man because from large cavity ofstomach peritonium go to transverse colon and fuse with transverse colon it is largecavity of stomach and transverse colon fuse togher five layer of peritonium and form ligamentligamentum gastrocolocum that is why impossible to see bursa omentalis only we can put fingerinto the openingand name of this opening it is foramen epiploicum it opening behinnd ofwhich ligament hepatoduodenale we can put pincert in time of operation we can put fingerinto bursa omentalis and if necessary to perform operation on poterioir wall of the stomachnecessary to cut ligament between stomach and transverse colon ligamentumgastrocolicumand after that we can open bursa omentalis
and perform operation in posterioir wall ofstomach or operation on pancrease is it clear it is place where we can cut it is ligamentof stomach and colon ligamentum gastrocolicum and after operation it is necessary to restore this ligament three burse bursa hepatica bursa pregastrica andbursa omentalis and necessary to know wall of this bursa omentalis and walls of thisopening foramen epiploicum forexample anterioir wall it is ligamentum hepatodeodenale superioirwall caudate lobe lobus caudatus of the liver posterior wall it is peritonium which comefrom liver kidney and form it is ligamentum hepatorenalis that is inferior wall speriorpart of dueodenum that is walls of foramen epiploica nextmiddle storey of abdominal cavityit is has two lateral canal canalis lateralis
dexter between colon ascending and abdominalwall and canalis lateralis sinister between colon descending and abdominal wall two lateralcanal right and left oneof this canal is closed sperioirly and not communicate with sperioirstorey do u remember becayse on the left side we have ligament which form pocket for spleenand name of this ligament ligamentum phrenicocolicum and this ligament it closed left lateral canaland right lateral canal communicate with superioir storey of abdominal cavity now space undethe colon all of this space what is it small intestine and mesenterium of small intestineattach it is from it start from upper left side and go downward and to the right andthis root of mesenterium separete space under the colon into two sinuses here it is sinusmesentricum sinister and here it is sinus
mesentricum dexter clear and last moment itis some pockets or resesus of dueodenum necessary to know resesus of dueodenum two resesus resesus dueodenalis superior or another name resesus dueodenaljejunalis superiorand resesus dueodinualjejunalis inferior next resesus inplace where ilium into secum andabove of ilium resesus iliocecalis superior and resesus iliocecalis inferior next resesusbehind the cecum it is resesus retrocecalis and last resesus in loop of sigmoid colonresesus intersigmoids that is all about middle storey and inferior storey that is space oftrue pelvis and here it necessary to know to two excavasu in female and one excavasuin male that is female corpse that is why
here it is uterus and between uterus and rectumthis space it is excavasu rectouterinum and here excavasu vesicouterinum and in male excavasurectovesicalis that is all
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